About Me

My photo
There is nothing special about me, Im just a little star, If u try to reach out and touch me, You'll see that I'm not really that far, Oh I may not be the brightest, Nor am I the last one you see, But as long as you notice, Thats just fine with me..

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saya ada hobi baru...

Sebenarnya saya dah boring dengan Facebook, Friendster and Myspace... and i keep figure out apa yg patut saya buat to fulfill my free time bila melayari internet...

and now i got the answer.. d answer is libatkan diri dengan blog.. i know people wont view my profile sbb i wont tell any about this blog.. maybe i will, but when im ready.. eh but i dah bagitau sesorg about this blog, iaitu to Miss A.J.. kamu ah org pertama yg tahu... :P

skrg just want to fulfill my free time and blajo button2 yg ada kat sini and also got some place to luahkan apa yg terpendam di hati.. tak salah kan??

erm apa lagi ek.. semlm wktu ikut kak wan kemaskan store saya terjumpa satu buku yg memang menarik.. "What Type Am I" by Renee Baron... buku ni sangat menarik sbb through this book saya dapat tahu saya berada dalam kategori yg mana... dan boleh dikatakan hampir 100% apa yg dikatakan adalah benar...

Saya tergolong dlm jenis ISFP, iaitu Introverts+iNtuitives+Feeling+Percieving... ciri2 bagi kategori ni rasa nya tak perlu ah saya critakan.. nanti kna kata msuk bakul angkat sendiri hehe :p

tapi yang pasti saya suka buku tu... saya bagi 4 bintang dr 5 bintang :P

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